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Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team

Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°1
Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°2
Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°3
Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°4
Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°5
Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°6
Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°7
Wecandoo - Make your own artisanal sourdough pizza or focaccia over a drink with Roger and his team - Image n°8

3 hours initiation with Roger

Knowledge in baking

Your creation to taste on the spot and your pastry to bake


per person

The workshop in detail

  • 3h
  • 6 to 12 participants
  • 15 years min.
  • Embark on a gourmet journey with Roger!

    When you arrive, this passionate artisan will welcome you with warmth and good humour. You'll immediately be immersed in a friendly atmosphere that encourages conversation and sharing.

    The workshop begins with an introduction to sourdough, the essential ingredient that will make all the difference to your preparations.

    You'll then get to work making your own pizza or focaccia, following Roger's advice. In particular, you'll discover simple yet precise ways to make perfect dough.

    While your creations are baking, you'll share a drink with Roger and the other participants: the perfect time to chat and exchange tips.

    Finally, you'll enjoy your pizzas or focaccias while they're still hot and crispy.

    You'll go home with delicious memories and an irresistible desire to treat your friends and family to your new baking skills!

    Workshop location

    Coopain's studio is accessible by public transport : by train, stop at 'Thurn & Taxis', or by metro at 'Pannenhuis'

    This place is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

    Additional information

    Languages of the workshop


    Wecandoo - Meet Coopains

    Meet Coopains


    It's a long love story between Roger, bread and his friends! 

    An active member of the cooperative since 2018, this passionate artisan works in collaboration with certified bakers and patissiers. 

    After starting with temporary studios on the outskirts of Brussels, they moved into their own premises in 2020.

    Their goal? To supply the neighbourhood with quality sourdough bread, while promoting their commitment to fair trade and artisanal baking. They use pure, organic and local flours, with no additives, to produce bread that is both healthy and authentic.

    Meet Roger, Simon and Thibault and immerse yourself in a world where bread is much more than just food: it's a true symbol of sharing and tradition!

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    per person