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General Terms & Conditions of Use and General Terms & Conditions of Sale
Wecandoo, a simplified joint-stock company, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Lyon under number 830 251 435, whose registered office is 128 rue de La Boétie, 75008 Paris, represented by the SAS CETTD, in its capacity as Chairman, itself represented by Mr. Édouard Eyglunent in his capacity as President (hereinafter the "Company" or “Wecandoo”) and whose VAT number is FR54830251435, publishes a website connecting craftsmen and users, accessible at the address (hereinafter the "Wecandoo Platform").
The purpose of the Wecandoo Platform intends to promote craftsmanship, to connect Craftsmen (hereinafter the "Craftsmen") and persons wishing to benefit from their know-how (hereinafter the "Users"). Craftsmen offer to Users, through the Wecandoo Platform, Workshops allowing them to pass on their knowledge and experience of their art.
The Company thus provides Users with tools and technical means enabling them to contact Craftsmen and to book Workshops via the Wecandoo Platform.The Director of Publication of the Platform is Mr. Grégoire EYGLUNENT in his capacity as President of SAS CETTD, President of SAS WECANDOO.
The purpose of these General Conditions of use (the "General Conditions" or the "Contract") is to determine the conditions under which the U@ser may use the Wecandoo Platform and book workshops.
The use of the Services offered by the Wecandoo Platform by the User implies his/her full acceptance of the General Conditions. Browsing the Platform and/or using the Services implies the irrevocable and plain agreement of the General Conditions.
The User declares and acknowledges that he/she has read and irrevocably accepts the present General Conditions by checking the box provided for this purpose when using the Services or when booking a Workshop or paying for a gift voucher.
The General Conditions are systematically communicated to all Users prior to the conclusion of the contract for the use of the Services and will prevail over any other version or any other contradictory document. They are accessible at any time on the website and that version will prevail, if necessary, over any other version or any other contradictory document.
As the General Conditions may be subject to subsequent modifications, the version applicable to the use of the Services by the User is the one in force on the day of the reservation of a Workshop.
The following terms shall have the following meanings between the parties:
"Workshop" refers to an activity offered by the Craftsman and put online via the Wecandoo Platform. Workshop terms are specified in the advertisement posted online by the Craftsman on the Wecandoo Platform.
"Craftsman" means the natural or legal person, carrying out his/her activity in a professional capacity and offering Workshops on the Platform. It can be a craftsman as per Law No. 96-603 of 5 July 1996 on the development and promotion of trade and crafts, as well as, but not limited to, entertainers, artists, self-employed entrepreneurs or traders.
"Beneficiary" means the natural person who benefits from a gift voucher.
"Account" means the Personal Account that must be created by the User to book Workshops on the Wecandoo Platform and access a personal space;
"Wecandoo Platform" means the digital platform for connecting Craftsmen and Users with a view to organizing and holding Workshops, published and put online by the Company from the URL
"Services": all free or paid services offered by the Company via the Wecandoo Platform.
"User" means the natural person who uses the Wecandoo Platform and who, if applicable, books a Workshop.
Purpose of these General Conditions is to set out contractual conditions applicable to the use of the Wecandoo Platform by the User and to the relationship between the User and the Craftsman.
In accordance with the provisions of the Dutch consumer protection rules, and as an operator of an online platform offering a connection service, Wecandoo brings to the attention of Users the following information:
It is specified that the position and ranking of the Workshops in the search results on the Platform depends on various factors (referencing and de-referencing criteria) such as:
Access to the Wecandoo Platform by Users and browsing of the various Workshops available is not subject to the User's registration. Use of Services of the Wecandoo Platform, on the other hand, is subject to creation of an Account by the User.
Opening of an Account gives access to a personal space allowing the User to manage his/her reservations as well as his/her personal information.
To create an Account, Users have the choice to:
The User undertakes to provide accurate and truthful information about himself/herself. The User must also carry out a regular check of his/her data to ensure their accuracy.
Once the creation of an Account has been validated, the Company sends the User (to the email address provided by the User when creating his/her Account) a confirmation email. This email does not require any response from the User.
Any creation of an Account, regardless of the method, requires the User’s knowledge and acceptance of these General Conditions.
Creation of the Account leads to the attribution of a login to the User allowing him/her to access his/her Account through a password that the User is then required to set-up.
The password is personal, confidential and non-transferable. The User thus undertakes never to communicate it to third parties. In order to protect the security of the Wecandoo Platform Users' Accounts as much as possible, the User must ensure that he/she does not reuse the same password as the one associated with other accounts allowing him/her to access third-party services provided by third-party companies.
The User agrees to notify the Company, at the following email address: and as soon as possible, of any fraudulent use of his/her Personal Account or any loss, theft or disclosure of his/her password.
Passwords can be changed via the Wecandoo Platform by the User in the "My profile" section.
In any case, the Company reserves the right to refuse a request to register for services on the Wecandoo Platform in the event of non-compliance by the User with provisions of these General Conditions.
The User may at any time and at his/her discretion, request closure of his/her Account and deletion of personal data with the Wecandoo Platform. Such a request can be made to the following address: or directly online via the conversional chat with the support .
Wecandoo agrees to permanently close the User's Account and delete personal data without delay after receiving the request.
Wecandoo reserves the right to delete the User's personal Account in the event that the User does not comply with these General Conditions, in particular in case of:
Use of the Wecandoo Platform is reserved for natural persons aged 18 or older. Any registration on the Wecandoo Platform by a minor is strictly prohibited. By accessing, using or registering on the Platform, you declare and certify that you are 18 years of age or older. An Adult User may book a Workshop for a minor. In such a case, the minor must be accompanied by a person with parental authority during the Workshop or obtain prior written authorization from a person with parental authority authorizing him/her to participate in the Workshop. This written authorization must be given to the Craftsman.
The User can make the reservation of the Workshops directly on the Wecandoo Platform.
The booking process usually includes the following steps:
The User agrees to be punctual. A delay of fifteen (15) minutes will be tolerated. The Craftsman has the right to refuse the User's participation in the Workshop due to excessive delay. In such a case, neither the Craftsman nor Wecandoo can be held responsible, and the User will not be able to request a refund or compensation.
During a Workshop, the User undertakes to adopt a respectful attitude (courteous, non-violent, non-hazardous and non-abusive) towards the Craftsman and the other participants.
The User must comply with all safety and hygiene measures imposed by the Craftsman as well as all instructions, warnings, advice or other directives necessary for the smooth running of the Workshop. This obligation includes a duty to warn the Craftsman in the event of a health problem that could compromise smooth running of the Workshop. Any breach of this security obligation will authorize the Craftsman to exclude the User from the Workshop. In this case, the User will not be able to request, for any reason whatsoever, a refund or compensation. Moreover, Wecandoo is not liable for any damage resulting from a breach by the User of his/her security obligation.
Users and Craftsmen act under their sole and entire responsibility. The Company offers an intermediation service and does not control in any way the quality, veracity and risks inherent to the proposed Workshops. As such, the Company shall not be held responsible for the improper conduct of the Workshop, on any grounds whatsoever.
At the end of the Workshop, the Company encourages Users to rate and comment on the service provided. Users agree not to make any statement or engage in any conduct that discriminates against or harasses any person on the basis of that person's ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, physical or mental disability, health status, marital status, age or sexual orientation.
In the event of excessive comments, the Company reserves the right to:
Users who would like to be able to participate in a Workshop other than those offered on the Wecandoo Platform (in terms of nature, date, location...) are invited to contact the Company at the address Their request will be studied as soon as possible and, if applicable, a quote may be offered.
Craftsmen are professionals or experts for whom the organization of Workshops is not necessarily the main activity. It can therefore happen that their professional constraints lead them to have to cancel a Workshop. In such a case, the Company will inform the User and may offer to reschedule the Workshop to another date, to have the Workshop performed by another Craftsman or to grant a gift voucher for an amount equivalent to that paid by the User for the Workshop that was canceled. The company may also refund the amount paid by the User within five (5) working days following the cancellation of the Workshop by the Craftsman. The refund will be made by bank transfer.
The holding of certain Workshops is subject to conditions specified on the descriptive page of the Workshop on the Platform. These conditions are reminded to the User in the confirmation email received after the payment of the deposit.
For example, a minimum number of people to ensure the completion of the workshop might be needed, or a certain weather for the activity (this is often the case for outdoor activities).
If the conditions are not met, the Company or the Craftsman may cancel the Workshop, at the latest 48 hours before the date scheduled, if possible, and will alert the User by email and / or telephone. The Company can suggest rescheduling the Workshop to another date or can refund the amount paid by the User within five (5) working days following the cancellation.
All reservations are fixed and final.
Nevertheless, for any cancellation made by the User, the User may either be reimbursed in the case of payment made solely by credit card, without using a Gift Card or discount code, on request via or independently via ‘My Profile’; or benefit from a gift voucher on the Wecandoo site for an amount equal to the price of the Workshop that the User has paid if the User cancels the reservation at least four (4) days before the date of the first day of the Workshop concerned. If the cancellation is made less than four (4) days before the Workshop, the User will not receive any refund.
If the User wishes to participate in the Workshop on a date other than that which has been booked, the User is advised to contact the Company at the address to discuss the possibility of modifying the date of his/her participation in the Workshop. The Company does not guarantee that another date may be offered to the User.
The Company implements technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the Wecandoo Platform 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It may, however, at any time, suspend, limit, or interrupt access to the Wecandoo Platform or certain features thereof in order to carry out updates, changes to its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the platform.
The Company strives to provide a quality service. It allows the User to use the means of communication made available to him/her in the best possible conditions. Nevertheless, the Company cannot ensure absolute accessibility or availability of the Wecandoo Platform.
Therefore, the Company cannot be held responsible in the event of unavailability of the Wecandoo Platform, for any reason whatsoever. The Company is also not responsible for the proper functioning of the User's computer equipment as well as his/her access to the Internet.
The Company makes its best efforts to provide efficient services to the User. It undertakes to implement appropriate means to maintain services in optimal operational conditions.
The Company reserves the right, without prior notice or compensation, to temporarily close the Wecandoo Platform, in particular, but not limited to, to carry out an update, maintenance operations, modifications or changes to the operational methods and functionalities.
The Company is not responsible for damages of any kind that may result from these changes and/or temporary unavailability of the Wecandoo Platform or services associated with it.
The Company reserves the right to complete or modify or have modified, at any time, the Wecandoo Platform and the services available therein according to the evolution of technologies.
The Wecandoo Platform is an automated data processing system. Any fraudulent access to the Wecandoo Platform is prohibited and punishable by law. The Company makes its best efforts, in accordance with the rules of the art, to secure the Wecandoo Platform. Given Internet complexity, however, it cannot ensure absolute security.
The price is displayed in euros (€) all taxes included and is valid for one person, unless otherwise stated. Price of a Workshop, displayed on the Platform, is the one in force on order day. However, prices displayed do not take into account any exchange rates or fees related to use of a credit card issued in a third country. In addition, the Company reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but the Workshops will remain charged on the basis of the rates in effect at the time the reservation is made or the gift certificate is used.
Payment of the order may, at the User's choice, be made by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express).
The workshop price consists of two elements:
The commission is used to cover the costs related to the Wecandoo Platform and to remunerate the Company.
The Company reserves the right to suspend any processing of reservation in the event of refusal of payment authorization by the User's bank or for any other legitimate reason, more particularly in case of a fraudulent use of means of payment. The Company reserves the right to refuse the reservation of a User with whom a payment dispute is pending.
An invoice is sent to the User upon receipt of the online payment from the Workshop.
The User can benefit from promotional codes thanks to the sponsorship program set up by the Company.
To benefit from a promotional code, the User may:
A unique Referral code is provided by the Company in the referral area under the mention "Code to give to your friends".
For each use of the Wecandoo Platform by a referred person, Referring User obtains a gift voucher worth five (5) euros and referred party benefits from a 10% discount. Gift voucher will be sent by the Company to the e-mail address provided by the User and will be directly usable on the Wecandoo Platform at the time of payment of the Workshop.
The User may sponsor a maximum of 35 people at the rate of 3 uses per day. The Company reserves the right to change the maximum number of sponsored persons at any time.
Any attempt to manipulate the sponsorship system may result in Account closure of the User concerned under conditions of Article 4.4. of these General Conditions. In addition, Wecandoo has implemented sponsorship code monitoring measures to combat fraud. Wecandoo reserves the right to disable any sponsorship code that is detected on third-party sites in case of fraudulent use.
The gift voucher can come in two forms:
The User who offers a gift voucher may choose to receive:
Gift vouchers can only be used with the Wecandoo Platform. To use a gift voucher, the Beneficiary is invited to create an Account on the Wecandoo Platform and to go to "Use his gift voucher" section and then enter promotional code on the gift voucher.
Gift vouchers are valid for a period of one year from purchase date.
Gift vouchers can be exchanged as many times as necessary but are not refundable.
Gift vouchers cannot be combined with promotional codes.
In accordance with the provisions of the Dutch Consumer Code, the User has a withdrawal period of fourteen (14) clear days from the day of his/her order, without having to justify reasons or bear penalties.
The User may exercise his/her right of withdrawal by sending an email to informing the Company of his/her clear and unambiguous decision to withdraw from his/her online purchase or by filling in the withdrawal form which appears in Appendix 1 of these General Conditions and which should be sent by email to "" or by post to the address of the head office.
Once the withdrawal request is received by the Company, the User will receive a confirmation of the withdrawal by email.
Any withdrawal made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this article shall give rise to a refund of the full amount paid by the User within fourteen (14) days from the date on which the User has informed the Company of his/her decision to withdraw.
If the User wishes the Workshop to take place before fourteen (14) day period, the User acknowledges that he/she may only use his/her right of withdrawal.
The Company does not take part in the Workshops. Obligations are formed directly between the Craftsman and the User, they act under their sole and entire responsibility, in particular in accordance with the provisions of the Dutch Civil Code.
The Company therefore bears no responsibility for the negotiation, conclusion and execution of contracts relating to the holding of the Workshops and provides no guarantee as to the quality and proper conduct of the Workshops delivered by the Craftsmen.
In particular, the Company does not exercise systematic control and assumes no responsibility in relation to:
In the event of a dispute between a User and a Craftsman about a Workshop, the User is invited to contact the Company via the following contact e-mail address: to inform it of the existence of a dispute. However, resolution of this dispute will be the sole responsibility of the User and the Craftsman.
The User also has the right to submit a dispute to a consumer mediator to which the Craftsman has subscribed.
The Company assumes no obligations other than those relating to its role as intermediary and operator of the Wecandoo Online Platform. The Company cannot guarantee accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the information provided.
The Wecandoo Platform is in principle accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, access to the Wecandoo Platform may be suspended under conditions specified in Article 7.1. without incurring any liability on the part of the Company.
In particular, the Company is not liable for:
The Company undertakes to comply with the legislation in force relating to the protection of privacy regarding processing of personal data, being Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on protection of individuals regarding data processing (hereinafter together "the GDPR").
The Company is responsible for processing of personal data implemented on the Wecandoo Platform.
When registering and using the Platform, the User directly provides various personal data. This data may include, but is not limited to:
if the User chooses to create an account using the automatic registration service of Facebook or Google, login credentials via these third-party services will be data collected by the data controller.
The data controller is required to collect personal data as detailed above for specific processing:
Data collected or processed during the use of the Wecandoo Platform by the User are intended for the Company, its subcontractors, and Craftsmen.
In accordance with the GDPR, the Company undertakes to make its best efforts to guarantee the security of personal information collected from Users. More specifically, the Company will implement technical and organizational measures to guarantee security and confidentiality of data collected and to prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or communicated to unauthorized third parties.
Personal data is kept by the Company for evidential purposes or to reactivate the account, for a maximum period of three (3) years from the account termination.
Maximum retention period applies unless a request for erasure occurs before expiry of that period.
In accordance with the GDPR, the User has the following rights: a right of access and rectification of his/her data, a right to oppose collection and processing of his/her data, a right to erasure of his/her data, a right to limitation in collection and processing of his/her data, a right to portability of his/her .
The User also has the right to communicate his/her instructions regarding processing of his/her data after his/her death.
These different rights may be exercised at any time by sending a request to the Company at the address Proof of identity may be requested by the Company in order to respond to the request. It is specified that certain data may be excluded from these requests in certain circumstances, if the Company must continue to process the User's data to serve its legitimate interests or comply with a legal obligation
In addition, the Company may include on the Wecandoo Platform links to external websites or sources. The Company shall not be held responsible for practices of these external sources regarding collection and processing of personal data.
It is specified that the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Wecandoo is Mr. Grégoire HUGON who can be contacted at the following address:
The User has a right of complaint to the Authority for personal date (Autoriteit persoonsgegevens).
Further information can be found at the following address [link to privacy policy].
The Company undertakes not to proceed, directly or through a third party acting on its behalf, to the telemarketing of Users, registered on any relevant Dutch opposition list (including the “do not call me register” (bel-me-niet-register), except in the context of a contract in progress.
Current contracts are contracts in progress for a fixed or indefinite period which have not been terminated (service contract with successive or staggered execution, service contract of indefinite duration which expires only in the event of termination, fixed-term contract in progress).
The Company, if it carries out telemarketing operations, thus undertakes, before any prospecting campaign, to ensure that the commercial prospecting files comply with the applicable requirements.
The Wecandoo Platform, its general structure, its contents, and in particular photos and videos of Workshops and documentation concerning them, are protected by intellectual property rights (including by all copyrights, rights to patents, trademarks, designs and models, databases, domain names and any other existing or future intellectual property rights, national and/or international) and are the exclusive property of the Company.
These General Conditions do give the User any property rights on the Wecandoo Platform, its content, and in particular the photos and videos of the Workshops and on the documentation transmitted under this contract. The temporary use of the Wecandoo Platform under the conditions provided for in these General Conditions cannot be construed as the transfer or license of any intellectual property right to the User. Consequently, the User shall refrain from any unauthorized use by the Company of the elements mentioned above, and more broadly of all protected elements, and on competing sites.
Logo and name of the Company on the Wecandoo Platform are registered trademarks and belong to the Company.
Any representation, reproduction and/or exploitation, in whole or in part, of trademarks, of any nature whatsoever, is prohibited without prior written consent of the Company.
The User is prohibited from:
For any dispute between a Craftsman and a User, the Company may, at the request of one or the other, act as an intermediary to find an amicable solution to the dispute or litigation.
Any clause of these General Conditions which may be declared null and void or unlawful by a competent court shall be deprived of effect, but its invalidity will not affect the other stipulations or the validity of these General Terms and Conditions as a whole or their legal effects.
Any notification provided for in these General Conditions must be made by the User to the Company by email at the following address or via contact form accessible on the Wecandoo Platform.
The Company reserves the right to transfer to any company of its choice all or part of rights and obligations arising between the User and the Company, without need for prior agreement of each User.
The Company reserves the right to revise these General Conditions to adapt to its technological and commercial environment and to comply with the regulations in force.
Any amendment of these General Conditions will be notified to Users by a publication on the Wecandoo Platform.
This contract is governed by Dutch law.
If the User is a Consumer, imperative Dutch regulations regarding consumer protection shall apply.
In the event of litigation that the parties could not settle amicably, the courts of Amsterdam shall be authorized to resolve the dispute.
However, if the User is not a consumer, competence is attributed to the Commercial Court of Paris.