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per personThe workshop in detail
Immerse yourself within the creative world of Estelle and Georges! They welcome you in their workshop which they share with other artisans.
The workshop will take place in several stages.
First, you will design the pattern for your future cushion cover on paper. Estelle and Georges will share the key elements of a graphic layout based on the figurative and abstract vocabulary of Beninese patterns!
You will then transfer your design to the weaving warp. You will then weave your cover with the help of Georges and Estelle, who will explain how the machine works step by step.
Once you have woven your creation, you can finish of your cover with a lovely stitched finish.
In addition to the expertise, discover a unique culture and take home your beautiful cushion cover measuring 40x40 cm!
Workshop location
Estelle and George's workshop is located in Anderlecht. It can be reached by metro or tram.
Additional information
Language of the workshop
Estelle trained in textile design at a major visual arts school in Brussels. In 2014, she left for an internship in southern Benin, where she met Georges. He shared with her his passion and expertise in the use of the Beninese loom for a number of months. Estelle stepped out of this immersive experience in order to finish her degree, before returning for a year to deepen her knowledge. She is continuing her Master's degree, working alongside Georges, and together they create bridges between Benin and Belgium, collaborating on unique creations such as a traditional Beninese loincloth woven in Flanders, and hammocks created by both artisans working together in tandem.
Since July 2021, Georges has settled permanently in Brussels and they have launched their project together. They produce mainly furniture textiles and are keen to share the unique skill of Beninese weaving. They also work in an eco-responsible manner, and practice upcycling.
It's through educating others that Estelle and Georges get to share their love of their craft. Meet them, and you're'll be guaranteed an unforgettable time in their company!
Françoise A
Un accueil souriant et surtout un beau moment de partage. Encadrée par Georges (très patient) et guidée par son savoir-faire et encouragée par Estelle, j ai pu réaliser une housse pour coussin, agrémentée d un motif typiquement béninois dans un lieu inattendu comme ce hangar. Un après-midi que je n oublierai pas et l envie de poursuivre cet apprentissage.
Veronique d
Super chouette atelier, que je recommande chaudement. Je n'avais jamais fait de tissage auparavant, mais j'ai réussi à faire une réalisation décente, gentiment et efficacement guidée par Estelle et Georges. Ça donne envie d'aller plus loin.
Anne-Lise R
Très chouette session! Estelle et Georges sont non seulement vraiment complémentaires mais ultra-patients pour transmettre les gestes et les astuces. L'atelier permet à la fois de prendre connaissance d'un inventaire des symboles traditionnels et de les détourner/adapter pour sa pièce mais aussi de pratiquer de suite sur des métiers béninois mais adaptés à ce grand espace de hangar bruxellois.
Cécile D
Expérience intense qui nous reconnecte avec des gestes ancestraux. Énorme merci à Estelle et Georges pour le partage de leur savoir-faire, leur patience légendaire et de nous permettre de repartir avec une pièce tissée que l'on regarde avec bonheur et beaucoup d'humilité. Cécile