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per personThe workshop in detail
Enter the workshop of Francesco and Eva and discover the making of cosmetics, and more particularly of a deodorant without baking soda!
You will start with a short tour of the workshop, during which Eva and Francesco will give you some theoretical explanations about cosmetics and the components of the products in our bathrooms. Then it's time for the practical part: you will discover the deodorant recipe, weigh the ingredients, melt the vegetable waxes and butters, incorporate the powders and place the deodorant paste in a glass jar.
The result? A healthy product for everyday use that will surprise you with its effectiveness!
This workshop is offered in French and English simultaneously. Eva and Francesco will adapt the language of the workshop according to the participants present.
Workshop location
Francesco and Eva's workshop is located in the Evere district and can be reached by bus.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Soap Makers
Meet Francesco, a pharmacist by profession. His favourite activities? Blackberry and mushroom picking. And then there's Eva, a toxicology specialist with an MA in biomedical sciences, who's passionate about beekeeping, chocolate making and deciphering text on labels.
They met at uni when they were both involved in 2 "kot" projects (a theme-based flat-share scheme): the Coqueli'kot with its ecological focus and the Chef'kot with a culinary aim. They quickly got into the habit of analysing the contents of their plate... and it was only natural that they did the same for their bathroom products. That's when their great adventure began: why not make their own soap?
They pooled their scientific knowledge (pharmacy and toxicology, which helps!) and made their first cold-pressed soap. Happy with the results, they went on to make shampoos, serums and scrubs that became a huge hit with their families and friends. They then put their professional careers on hold and headed off to explore the world and learn more about other cultures! A year of globe-trotting gave rise to the serious idea of producing cosmetics that are environmentally friendly and kind to skin.
Their company was launched in 2016. It's 100% locally-focused, using products made in Belgium and distributed in Belgium!
Today, Francesco and Eva will welcome you to a huge, beautiful workshop! There is a manufacturing area, a workshop area and a sales/shop area.
Nadia R
Merci beaucoup pour cet atelier "déo" très intéressant, tant sur le plan théorique que pratique. Je l'utilise depuis lors (19/09/23) et c'est parfait. Super !
Priscilla d
Eva nous a super bien expliqué le procédé de création de leurs déodorants: de la sélection de la matière première, au bon dosage et à la bonne application. Les connaissances (théoriques et pratiques) acquises permettent de se débrouiller par soi-même par après! Très intéressante, Eva nous a aussi plongés dans un univers inspirant qui touche aux produits de bain plus globalement ! Je recommande à 100% cet atelier pour les amateurs de créations faites maison!
Elisa K
C était trop top! Eva est pleine de bons conseils et on apprend plein de choses sur l artisanat du cosmétique et sur ce u on met sur notre peau. La boutique est superbe.