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Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days

Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°1
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°2
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°3
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°4
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°5
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°6
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°7
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°8
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°9
Wecandoo - Discover baking and make three types of bread over two days - Image n°10

2 days of discovery with Karel

Knowledge in baking

Your three types of bread (sourdough, rye, foccacia)

175 €

par personne

Nos moyens de paiement

L'atelier en détail

  • 2j
  • 6 à 10 participants
  • 15 ans min.
  • Embark on a two-day bread-making adventure with Karel, an expert in the craft (2x 3-hour sessions).

    On the first day, Karel initiates you the foundational knowledge, sharing the meticulous steps of dough preparation.

    Then dive into hands-on practice, starting with kneading, feeling the dough evolve under their touch. The shaping process follows, where the art of folding and, for those keen on a challenge, braiding for plaited bread is explored. Each handcrafted piece finds its resting place in a banneton, readying itself for the transformation on day two.

    The second day delves into the science and art of the rising process. With Karel's detailed explanations, participants gain a deeper understanding of this crucial step. The culmination of the workshop is the baking session, where the dough's journey from humble beginnings to aromatic loaves is witnessed.

    At the close of this immersive experience, participants proudly take home three distinct creations: a rye wholemeal sourdough, a braided rye bread, and a classic focaccia. Join Karel and discover the joy and artistry of traditional bread-making.

    NB! The second part of the workshop takes place the day after the first part, at the same time. For example; if the first part is on Wednesday from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, then the second part is on Thursday from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

    Lieu de l'atelier

    L’atelier est facilement accessible en transport en commun.

    Ce lieu n'est pas accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite.

    Informations complémentaires

    Langues d'animation


    Wecandoo - Rencontrez Karel

    Rencontrez Karel


    From the revered halls of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy to the bustling ovens of a bakery, Karel Goudsblom's journey has been nothing short of remarkable. After graduating in 1983 and honing his craft at the Rijksacademie Amsterdam, Karel embarked on a new passion – baking bread. What started as a modest kitchen venture soon garnered a following, giving birth to 'Bakery MAMA'.

    However, this isn't just any bakery. MAMA is a symphony of Karel's passions: a place where the sensibilities of visual art, design, and the culinary arts converge. It's a bakery that wears many hats, mastering both bread and patisserie, with an emphasis on authenticity. From hearty sourdoughs to light yeast breads, every loaf is a testament to tradition.

    The commitment to quality is evident in their choice of stone-ground flour, devoid of additives, sourced from four distinguished Dutch mills.

    Nestled in Zwanenburg, a quaint village poised between Haarlem and Amsterdam, Bakery MAMA stands as a beacon of artisanal excellence. The space itself is an experience - vast, luminous, and inviting.

    Visitors are treated to a visual feast as bakers craft their magic, all while the irresistible aroma of fresh bread lingers in the air.

    At Bakery MAMA, every loaf tells a story, and every bite is a piece of Karel's journey.

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    175 €

    par personne